Computer Gremlins Stay Away or Adventures in Self Publishing
I have to say that writing is a great deal easier than some of the other things that go with it. If we all think the publishing world is going through a monumental change---well so are the writers. In a way there has been a creative revolution in the publishing world that has led authors to seek more control over their careers. And self-publishing plays into that. Recently, I made the decision to self-publish a manuscript. And I have to say, aside from the excitement of putting my words out there, this has been a learning experience. Luckily I have a wonderful network of supportive friends who understand the technology of publishing. They just hadn’t run up against the Reasor curse. When Tracy, my cover artist and friend, got together with me to help me format my work, I warned her straight up that I had a history of technological snafus and that anything that could go wrong--would go wrong. Seven hours later, she admitted that I might have some kind of computer gremlin ha...