
Showing posts from May, 2024

An Update on Building Courage

  Hello Dear Readers! I wanted to give all my readers a quick update and another short excerpt from Building Courage. This book has been a long journey for me. My husband was bedfast for eight months. During that time, he required a lot of care. He passed in February 2023.  It took me nearly eight months to regain my writing rhythm, but I've found my feet.  I finished Building Courage May 1st,  and it is currently in my editor's hands.    I want to give Delilah Devlin, editor extraordinaire and fellow author, a shout-out for taking on the editing of the book. She's truly a wonder.  And I want to acknowledge Tracy Hacker my cover artist, who is an amazing graphic artist. She has done all my covers.   And Paul Salvette, who always does a fantastic job formatting my manuscripts so you can read them in print and ebook.  We authors don't work in a bubble, though sometimes it feels that way. None of us could produce a quality product without a team of experts helping us.  If