
Showing posts from 2024

Building Courage (Book 11 of the SEAL Team Heartbreakers) is Released!

 Hello everyone!  Building Courage (Book 11 of the SEAL Team Hearbreakers) is Released!!  Building Courage is my 30th book!!! A wonderful Milestone and one I'm proud of. I love the writing, I love all of my readers, and I love the challenge of making each book in this series the best I can make it.  I hope all of you will love it. Here's the blurb:  Photographer Brynn Barrington spent two years on the road taking pictures, podcasting about survival, and embracing life to work through a personal trauma. She's taken on surfing and skydiving and now wants to learn to scuba dive.  But when she meets Tucker Giles she's wary. The handsome SEAL triggers desires she long ago buried deep and never thought to feel again.  Navy SEAL Tucker Giles has been a certified diver for years. After a dangerous encounter with a bull shark during a mission, he decides teaching Brynn to dive is just the ticket to shake off the lingering aftereffects. His instant attraction to Brynn is strong,

An Update on Building Courage

  Hello Dear Readers! I wanted to give all my readers a quick update and another short excerpt from Building Courage. This book has been a long journey for me. My husband was bedfast for eight months. During that time, he required a lot of care. He passed in February 2023.  It took me nearly eight months to regain my writing rhythm, but I've found my feet.  I finished Building Courage May 1st,  and it is currently in my editor's hands.    I want to give Delilah Devlin, editor extraordinaire and fellow author, a shout-out for taking on the editing of the book. She's truly a wonder.  And I want to acknowledge Tracy Hacker my cover artist, who is an amazing graphic artist. She has done all my covers.   And Paul Salvette, who always does a fantastic job formatting my manuscripts so you can read them in print and ebook.  We authors don't work in a bubble, though sometimes it feels that way. None of us could produce a quality product without a team of experts helping us.  If

I'm Still Here!!! And an excerpt from Building Courage

 It's been a long time since I've posted anything. It's taken longer for me to fight my way back from a year of grief, upheaval, and injury, and it's still a work in progress, but I'm working my way back.  I'm 53,000 words into my next book, and I've finally hit my stride.   I'm posting a short excerpt of my next book Building Courage.  I've tweaked the blurb a tiny bit.  Here it is: Photographer Brynn Barrington spent two years on the road. taking pictures, podcasting about survival, and working through a personal trauma by embracing life. She's taken up surfing, sky diving, and now wants to learn to scuba dive. But when she meets Tucker Giles, she's wary. The handsome SEAL triggers desires she long ago buried deep and never thought to feel again.  Navy SEAL Tucker Giles has been a certified diver for years. After a dangerous encounter with a bull shark during a mission, he decides teaching Brynn to dive is just the ticket to shake off the l