Breaking Free and Timeless Postcard

      Here's my new postcard to help promote Breaking Free and Timeless. What readers don't know about is the many hours we spend trying to get the word out there about our books.  So, I'm doing a postcard campaign both physically and digitally.
      I've done post card campaigns before. I'm not certain about how effective they are, but if my campaign reaches ten people out of a hundred, maybe they'll tell their friends what a wonderful book I've written.  I'm convinced what really sells books is writing a good book. And Word of Mouth.  But you have to get people's notice before they'll read the book. And you have to spread the word before they'll know it's out there. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you'd help me spread the word.


Teresa J. Reasor


derekd said…
Curious about how you get your mailing lists? Are these readers who have purchased books from you in the past and have offered up their information?
Alexa said…
I'm glad you wrote this. With my 1st book coming out only in ebook format, I've been struggling to find ways to promote it and me. I chose to have postcards made so that I can send them to contest winners and people who are searching for things for a conference/contest. It felt like the best tool for reaching people for my money. I will be curious how well they work, but like you said if 10 people see the postcard, read the book & share a positive review then it'll be worth it.

Good luck and beautiful postcard, by the way!
Rashda Khan said…
Good luck with the postcards campaign!

Like the previous comment, my first release was an ebook, so I used the postcards for signings, giveaways to contest winners and as swag at conferences...not sure how effective they were, but like you said if even 10 people discover my stories, well I'm happy.

Can't wait to see the postcards for A Tale of Two Djinns...they haven't come in yet. I'm an impatient wench!
Thanks everyone for commenting on the blog and my mailing list does come from people from book signings who have purchased my books in the past.
I always ask if they'd be interested in me sending out a postcard to let them know when I have a new book coming out.
I also have a whole list of people I know personally who have purchased the book through other channels. And family friends and etc. always get a post card.
I'm in the consensus, everything you do to promote your writing, even if you just reach one person, has to do some good.
Thanks so much for posting to my blog.
Barbara Bettis said…
The postcard is lovely, Teresa. I have yet to publish, so I have no experience with postcards, but they sound like an excellent idea. I also read 'down' to your blog on your Highland trip. It looked and sounded wonderful. Hope you get the chance to return soon.

Best of luck with your books.
Thanks so much for commenting and yes, I too hope I get to go back to Scotland one day. The first trip took me 5 years to save for. But I'm already saving for the next one.
Devon Matthews said…
Very nice, Teresa. I hope these bring you a ton of sales.

Hey Irma. I hope you're right and they do!!!
Sue said…
I'm going to be published (end of this year/early next for my first ms), but I heard about "Timeless" from the Indie loop, downloaded it and loved it. The Indie loop is a great way to let other authors know about your book. I guess from there, you could guest blog? Anyway, thanks for a lovely story set in one of my favourite countries! Love your postcards.
Best wishes,
Sue in Oz.
Hi, Teresa,
I enjoyed meeting you at the booksigning at the ECWC. I also enjoyed reading chapters of Timeless and your other stories posted on Lethal Ladies. I'm inspired by your efforts to realize your dreams. Your pictures of Scotland are nice to look at, but I don't want to go there because it's cold. I had enough of that living in Michigan. I was interested to see you visit my neck of the woods by blogging on a Fort Worth site. I enjoyed your excerpt about the picture Meeting at a turret.
Carolyn Williamson

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