I'M SO PROUD TO BE THE FIRST STOP OF KALLYPSO MASTER'S BLOG TOUR AND TO INTRODUCE HER LATEST RELEASE (COMING SOON) NOBODY'S PERFECT. KALLY'S BLOG HOP I'm an eclectic reader. I'll read any kind of fiction, non-fiction, history, biographies, you name it. But my first love is romance, military romance, historical romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance, erotic romance and romantic suspense. Actually any kind of romance. The more conflict in a story, the more I love it. And Kallypso Masters can pour on the conflict. And I love it. Her books are also BDSM erotica. I don't read erotica a lot. But I have a few favorites in the genre, Cheryl Norman, Jennifer Madden, Mia Jae, and recently I've added Kallypso (Kally) Masters to my list. Hers are my first sojourn into BDSM and they are totally different than I expected. I really love her heroes (OH MY) and her story lines. Her female characters are fighting through things just as fer...
Hello Dear Readers! I wanted to give all my readers a quick update and another short excerpt from Building Courage. This book has been a long journey for me. My husband was bedfast for eight months. During that time, he required a lot of care. He passed in February 2023. It took me nearly eight months to regain my writing rhythm, but I've found my feet. I finished Building Courage May 1st, and it is currently in my editor's hands. I want to give Delilah Devlin, editor extraordinaire and fellow author, a shout-out for taking on the editing of the book. She's truly a wonder. And I want to acknowledge Tracy Hacker my cover artist, who is an amazing graphic artist. She has done all my covers. And Paul Salvette, who always does a fantastic job formatting my manuscripts so you can read them in print and ebook. We authors don't work in a bubble, though sometimes it feels that way. None of us could produce a quality product without a...
Timeless has been released in paperback. I'm so thrilled! I know the book's been out for a few weeks in ebook format, but I just love holding the real book in my hand. The cover is a little different from the ebook. But just as dramatic. Check it out. TIMELESS When I first started doing research for the book nearly four years ago, my dream was to REALLY see the area I'd chosen to set my story. Traveling to Scotland had been a dream for me for a long time. I suppose being a Marine Corps brat and transferring every two and a half years had bitten me with the travel bug. I've blogged about the Loch Maree area before. Here's a recap: Loch Maree is the highlands. It resides in Wester Ross in the Northwestern upper regions of Scotland. It’s known as the Jewel of the Highlands because it’s so untouched. I was unprepared for the raw beauty and power of the place. Scotland was carved out by huge glaciers that covered the entire continent hu...