Which cover do you like?

I have a dilemma.  My cover artist Tracy Stewart did two different covers for my print edition of Breaking Through. I need your help in deciding which to use. So, please vote for cover 1 or cover 2 and let me know.

 Cover 1

Cover 2

I know there isn't much difference between them.  The differences are the placement of the tag line. the second cover has more red in the background and the image is a little larger.  I'd really like to hear your opinion.

Teresa R.


Taryn Raye said…
I honestly like the 2nd one better, as the entire cover- font and background seems crisper and more vivid and jumps out at me. Plus, in cover #1, the tagline seems oddly separate up there in the corner of the blackness, almost like it's hidden in the darkness of the night skyline. I like it better with it's placement beneath the title, closer to the tops of the buildings in the cityscape, with the title claiming all the glory in the black background. Hope that helps, Teresa! (I'll spread the word and see if I can lasso a few more comments for you.)
Devon Matthews said…
Definitely number 2. It's more balanced.
Stacy McKitrick said…
#2 appears to stand out better. That's the important thing (especially when most people only see a thumbnail size).
Larry Kollar said…
I'll be the contrarian, and vote for #1. I like how the tagline leads into the title.
I love that you gals are jumping in on this. Makes my job so much easier.
Thank you so much.
Teresa R.
It's fine for you to be contrary.
Teresa R.
Renee Vincent said…
Definitely #2! That one caught my eye and held it longer than the first. I think the second one looks more professional with the tagline below the title.

BTW, great cover, Teresa (whichever you decide)
Thanks, Renee.
Tracy is never satisfied until the covers she makes are just right. She sent this one to me yesterday and said don't use the other one this one is it.
JM said…
2 is brighter and stands out more.
#Debi said…
I also prefer #2. For all the reasons stated above. The image going out to the bleed opens the whole thing up and makes it pop.
Thanks Debi for weighing in and telling me that.And Jennifer, I appreciate you stopping by, too. I'm going to use the one I get the most votes for.
Cherie Marks said…
I agree with number 2 being the best IMHO.
Thanks Cherie. I appreciate it.
Hayden Braeburn said…
I prefer Cover #2. It draws my eye and I almost didn't notice the tagline in option 1.

I'm excited to read this book!
Lee and Hayden:
Thanks for stopping by and offering an opinion.
I appreciate it.
I say Cover 1--I didn't like having the words sitting on top of his head as they did in the second one. It also looks more like one you'd see from a New York publisher. Nice job!

Excited for the new release! Congrats!

Thanks Kally. I appreciate it.
Unknown said…
I like book cover 2.
Tina B said…
I like cover #1 better for the same reason Kallypso stated. I thought the words detracted from his image. Congrats on your new release!!
Amanda Faith said…
I like the 2nd one better
You are so good to come on my blog and tell me what you think.
Thanks so much.
Teresa r.
JVRC said…
If I'm not too late, I like cover #2. I like the coloring and the composition of the layout better.
Thanks, Jesse.
And it's not too late at all.
Maddie James said…
I'm late to the party. I actually like #1 the best. The tag line is much more prominent on the black and gets lost in the city lights of #2. Just my 2 cents! They both are lovely. Tracy does a great job!

You're not too late, Maddie. I'm still on the fence. I keep looking at them a swinging back and forth.
I just can't make up my mind.
And the votes are neck and neck which doesn't help me at all.

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