The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

I was challenged by Robyn Peterman  and Jennifer Madden to participate in this blog hop. And of course I had to do it because I love to blog. Robyn's Book   How Hard Can It Be? is due out January 17, 2013. But it's already available for preorder if you'd like to check it out. And Jennifer's newest The Embattled Road just hit Amazon and other stores a couple of weeks ago.


The Next Big Thing

1. What is the working title of your book?

Breaking Away. 

 2.Where did the idea come for the book?

I love military guys and the idea for the series first hit me three years ago. Since my Dad was in the Marines I knew how military guys behaved and had some idea how they thought and hid how they felt. I wanted other people to understand what their families went through when they were deployed home, injured, doing training---the works.
I wrote the first book, Breaking free  and started submitting it to editors while I finished another book (not a military romance).  I released Breaking Free in June of 2011. And the second book of the series, Breaking Through, In September of this year 2012. 

The idea for the series has morphed into a series of six full-length novels and a short story. Breaking Away is the third book of the series. It’s Flash’s story.

3. What genre does your book fall under?

 Military Romantic Suspense.

4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Breaking Free --Hawk-- Eric Bana,   Zoe-- Emily Blunt

Breaking Through--Brett-- Paul Walker,  Tess-- Deborah Ann Woll

Breaking Away--Flash-- Greg Vaughan,   Samantha- Emma Stone

Breaking Out--Doc-- Tom Hardy,  Veronica--Amanda Seyfried
Breaking Hearts--Bowie-- Daniel Sunjata,  Caroline --Scarlett Johansen   

Breaking Chains--Derrick -– Chris Hemsworth,  Melanie--Kristen Dunst

Breaking Ties--Green Back-- Kim Rossi Stewart,   Selena--- America  Ferrara

5. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

What happens when a Navy SEAL, acting as an undercover operative for the FBI in an international smuggling sting, is framed for murder and while on the run finds the family he's never had?

6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

It will be self-published.

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Breaking Through took me six months to write and another month to edit. I don't really write first drafts. Each chapter has to be right before I can move on to the next one so I'm constantly editing as I go along. So once done, the professional editor has to come along and just mostly clean up any repetitive phrasing she catches or those pesky comma things I do without realizing it.  I’m hoping Breaking Away will take less time. 

8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I can’t compare them to any other books, because they’re different from the other books in the genre I’ve read. The closest I think are Suzanne Brockmann’s SEAL romances.

 Breaking Free is about 80 percent romance and 20 percent suspense. And had one romance in it.

Breaking Through is more 70-30. And had 3 romances in it.

Breaking Away will be more 80-20.  And will have 2 romances in it.

9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I’ve been inspired by every book I’ve read about SEALs and their training. And I’ve read at least 50. I’m inspired by their desire to fight, no matter how hard things get, no matter how horribly they’re injured, no matter what they have to sacrifice. They’re whole life revolves around training to be the best special operator they can be. They don’t care about rank, or metals, or awards. They are there to right the wrongs, fight the bad guys, and keep America safe.

10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Every book is it’s own story. There is no pattern followed as to plot and story line. Each one is completely fresh and new.

 I’ve done two months research before even starting Breaking Away because I want my story line to be the best it can be and I want every problem dealt with before I put words to paper. 
Each of my heroes have a distinctive personality.  Breaking Free --Hawk is rock solid and a born commander. Breaking Through--Brett is a smart ass and all alpha male.  Breaking Away—Flash is quieter, more introverted, and computer savy, but he too is all alpha male. He made the perfect undercover operative because he's lived on the street and has street savy. Breaking Away will be released Summer of 2013.

I'm challenging several other authors to participate in this blog hop. But I'm also very interested in paying it forward so I'm promoting several other writers, artists, and photographers. So there will be several things for you readers to check out besides just books on the sites I'm including on this post. Just click on the writers, artists, or photographers name and it will take you to their site or their books.  

Julianne Reeves— Her book Razing Kayne just made the Amazon Romantic Suspense list.

Judy Dawn — Her Men of Snow Series is unusual, fun, and exciting. If your looking for something that's imaginative and fresh this is your deal.

Devon Matthews — Devon writes Western Historical Romance. Her book Angel In The Rain is excellent!!! And she's working on My Wild Texas Rose right now!! I love Western Historicals. there are just not enough of them out there.

Jane Greenhill-- Jane Writes a wonderful YA series about a Teenage alien and will have three books coming out this coming year.  But she has numerous other books available Vampire Bytes a comedic vampire story. Booty Call for Murder and The Cobra Murders are Suspense novels  and I was a Teenage Alien the first of her YA Series.

Mina Kahn—Mina writes wonderful adventures about Djinns. How fantastic is it to hang out with beings who can control the elements of the earth in interesting ways.

Joan Maze—Joan writes the Mollie Fenwick mysteries. Mollie has a nose for trouble and is psyhic to boot so there's always something happening to her, around her, and in her visions. Joan's books are always entertaining.  She has several scheduled to release this coming year. 

Tracy Stewart– Tracy writes several different genre's. Historical romance, Vampire regulators, and she has a wonderful story titled The Gift of the Gods about an archaeologist on the trail of a magic spear (a kind of treasure hunt with lots of danger) with the help of a couple Gods. Pretty cool. Tracy is also a Cover artist. She's actually done all my covers. You can click on Cover artist and check them out.

Candace Sword—Candace write also but she's a wonderful photographer. She has actually taken my picture. Can you believe that. And I will shortly be updating my photo on my blog, website, facebook and etc. because of her efforts. So check out her photography site.

And if you get some money for Christmas---a new Kindle, I pad, Nook or what have you, you will find an interesting book to download from any of these authors. And if you write yourself you know you'll need a head shot or a cover for your book.

I'd appreciate it if you would pay this blog forward and spread the word about me and all these wonderful writers  I've added to my blog this week.

Teresa J. Reasor 


PamelaTurner said…
Great post! Actually, I also tagged you, but very few people read mine. :-)Looking forward to reading your series. Breaking Through is on my Kindle. And nice touch giving a little background into the authors you've tagged. :-)


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